This module of the database has been developed following the Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS) developed by EUROSTAT and determined by the Commission Recommendation on reference metadata for the European Statistical System (Official Journal of the European Union, 30.6.2009. L 168/50). The recommendation invites national statistical authorities to apply the standard when compiling and exchanging national reference metadata, e.g. in data and metadata transmission to EUROSTAT.
The ESMS v2.0 structure has been in use in EUROSTAT since late 2008. The new upgraded ESMS v2.0 structure consists of 19 metadata concepts, with a limited breakdown of sub-concepts.
In continuation of the text, there is review of statistical surveys / data collections (conducted by MONSTAT and Other producers of official statistics ) arranged by statistical areas. In order to access metadata appropriate, click some of the surveys given.
Economic statistics | Demographic and social statistics | Multi - domain statisics | ONAs |
Economic statistics |
National accounts
Structural business statistics
- Construction work
- Demolished buildings with dwelling
- Consumption of construction and propulsion material
- Prices of dwellings in new residental buildings
- Construction activity
- Building permits and notification of building work
Transport, storage and communications
Domestic trade
External trade
- Monthly survey on arrivals and over-night stays of tourists
- Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in collective accommodation
- Monthly survey on arrivals of cruisers
- Monthly survey on foreign ships for leisure and sport
- Harmonised Consumer Price Index
- Producer price index of industrial products
- Producer price index of industrial products for export
- Price Index of Industrial Products from Import
- Consumer Price Index (CPI)
- Purchasing Power Parities (PPP)
Agriculture and fishing
- Annual survey on fish farming in fishponds
- Annual survey on river and lake fishing organized by legal entities and sports fishing associations
- Annual survey on fishermen and fishing equipment of the marine fishing
- Annual survey on veterinary services
- Annual survey on cattle number in family agricultural holdings
- Livestock slaughtering in slaughterhouses
- Survey on actual yield of late-season crops, fruit and grapes
- Survey on actual yield of early-season crops
- Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives
- Survey on areas and plantations at the end of spring sowing
- Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings
- Monthly survey on marine fish catch, done for individual (private) fishermen and enterprises
- Monthly survey on agricultural product prices, raw material, equipment and services in agriculture
- Monthly survey on redemption of agricultural products from individual producers
- Monthly survey on sold agricultural products from own production by agricultural enterprises and cooperatives
- Report on entrance of Raw Milk (Cow Milk) and Obtained Milk Products
- Report on Entrance of Raw Milk and Obtained Milk Products
- Statistical Survey on Structure of Agricultural Holdings
- Economic Accounts for agriculture
- Survey on turnover of pesticide
- Organic production statistics
Demographic and social statistics Top |
- Demographic indicators
- International migration
- Domestic migration
- Population census
- Estimation of population number
- Married couples
- Divorced couples
- Gender statistics
- Birth statistics
- Statistics of deaths
Employment and earnings
Statistics of income and living conditions
Social protection
- Student dorms
- Beneficiaries of extras on children
- Users and forms of Social Security
- Social protection -ESSPROS
- Faculty graduates
- Masters of science and Specialists
- Doctors of science
- Teachers and structure of academic institutions
- Statistics on primary education
- Pre-school education activities
- Statistics of secondary education
- Enrollment at post graduate studies
- Enrollment at faculty
- Extracurricular activities in primary schools
- Extracurricular activities in high schools
Culture and sport
- Adults with criminal proceedings validly completed
- Adults with finished criminal proceeding and previous procedure
- Minors with criminal proceedings validly completed
- Minors with finished criminal proceeding and previous procedure
Multi - domain statistics Top |
- Generated and treated waste
- Statistical survey on use and protection of water against pollution in industry
- Annual report on public water supply system
- Annual report on public sewage system
Information society
- Use of information-communication technology in enterprises
- Survey on the ICT use in households and by individuals
Innovation activities of enterprises
Other producers of official statistics Top |
Central Bank of Montenegro
- Statistics of Monetary Financial Institutions
- External Debt of Montenegro
- Survey on credit transactions with foreign resident
- Survey on Matters of Direct Foreign Investment
- Survey on direct foreign investment matters (quarterly)
- Statistics of other financial institutions - factoring companies
- Financial Soundness Indicators
- Balance of payments of Montenegro
- Interest rate statistics
- Required reserve
- T-bills Statistics
- Statistics of other financial institutions - microcredit financial institutions
- International investment possition (ISS)
Pension and Disability Insurance Fund
- Report on pension and disability insurance beneficiaries
- Annual report on pension and disability insurance beneficiaries
Health Insurance Fund
- Report on income and expenditures od Health Insurance Fund
- Report on insured persons under international agreements on social insurance
Institute for Public Health
- Report on Organizational Structure and Human Resources in Health Care
- Report of Treated Patients in Service of Hospital-Patient Treatment
- Report on deliveries
- Report on Reported Cases and Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases
- Report on Work and Established Diseases, Conditions and Injuries in Outpatient Health Care
- Report on Work of Blood Transfusion
- Report on Abortions
- Report on Incidence of Cerebrovascular Diseasei
- Report on Incidence of Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Report on Incidence of Drug Abuse
- Report on Drinking Water, Bottled Water, Mineral and Spring Water Quality Control
- Report on Organization and Work of Hospital
- Report on the completed compulsory immunization against infectious diseases
- Report on Incidence of Malignant Neoplasmsi
- Report on Incidence of Diabetes
- Report on Food and Objects of General Use Quality Control
Tax Administration
- Annual registration of tax on income of natural persons
- Registration of tax on income of legal persons
- Monthly report on paid personal income for employees, and report on calculated and paid taxes and contributions
- Monthly report for the calculation of value added tax
- Registration data on legal and natural persons - taxpayers
- Insured persons that are engaged in agricultural activity
- Data on insured persons - employed persons
- Data on reached turnover
- Data on calculated and paid VAT
- Data on taxpayers that are lump-sum taxed on their income
- Financial reports of entrepreneurs (balance statement and income statement)
- Financial reports of enterprises (balance statement, income statement, and Statistical Annex)
Ministry of Finance
- Analysis of consolidated public spending
- Data on receipts, government expenditure per month
- Report on Public Debt
- Data on revenues, expenditures of state and local government
- Report on public debt
Securities Commission
- Analysis of collective investment scheme
- Analysis of financial instruments
- Stock exchange businesses
Ministry of Science
Customs Administration