
Social statistics

Total number of beneficiaries realizing the right to child support in 2014 was 9 993, and number of children realizing the right to child support in the same year was 19 204. Out of that number, 88 children in institutions for children without parental care are beneficiaries of child support.

Compared to 2013. year, number of beneficiaries realizing the right to child support decreased by 7.4%, and number of children beneficiaries decreased by 6.9% in 2014.

The total amount paid for year 2014 amount to 4 652 799 €, which is a decrease of 6.2%, comparing to previous year. The largest share in total assets belong to Podgorica, 992 656 € or 21.3%, while the least funds are paid to the municipality Pluzine 6 730 € or 0.1%.

