Organization of official statistical system

Official statistics represent numerical and representative data and information on economic, demographic, and social phenomena as well as phenomena in domain of agriculture, labour, and  environment,  in line with regulations governing organization and affairs of official statistical system, as well as international statistical standards.

Statistical office is the main holder and disseminator of statistical data, as well as responsible professional authority, organiser and coordinator of official statistics system, and it represents the official statistics of Montenegro in the international statistical system.

Official statistics system of Montenegro covers the following official statistics producers:

1) State administration authority responsible for statistics;

2) Central Bank of Montenegro;

3) State administration authority responsible for finances, and

4) Other official statistics producers defined by the Official Statistics Programme.

Official statistics producers are responsible to collect, produce, and disseminate statistical data, to process administrative data, and data collected through monitoring and observation method, in accordance with the Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 18/12 and 47/19).

In collecting, producing, and disseminating statistical data, official statistics producers must apply official statistics principles, as well as methodologies and standards for producing statistics under their responsibility to produce transparent and internationally comparable data, upon the approval of the competent authority, and in accordance with the Law.

To define which authority produces ‘official statistics’  and to be qualified as other official statistics producer, Statistical Office adopted the Criteria for defining ‘official statistics’ and ‘other official statistics producer’  with the Request for Entry in the Montenegro Statistical System. Additionally, Statistical Office also established a mechanism that monitors a systematic alignment of other official statistics producers on the basis of definition of ‘official statistics’ that serves as a visible statistical quality label and confirms the alignment with the European Statistics Code of Practice.

Interested institutions that want to be a part of statistical system of Montenegro must apply the Request form for entry in the statistical system of Montenegro.

The deadline for sending applications is not later than 10 June in the year that precedes the year for which the Five-Year Programme of Official Statistics is adopted.

The request form is sent, as it follows:

  • Statistical Office, archive office, IV Proleterska 2, Podgorica;
  • Via the official e-mail:  

For additional questions, contact via phone: +382 20 230 773.
