
Social protection in Montenegro for 2016 - 2017 (ESSPROS methodology)

In 2017, EUR 723 974 480 was allocated for social protection benefits, representing 97.0% of the total social protection expenditures. In 2016, this amount was EUR 718 925 678, which representing 97.2% of the total social protection expenditures (Table 1).
By social protection function, the largest share in total expenditures for social protection benefits in 2017 was on function Old age i.e. 39.5%, while in 2016 was 38.6% (Table 2).
The share of total social protection expenditure in the Gross domestic product (GDP) of Montenegro in 2017 was 17.4%, which is a decrease by 1.3 percentage points compared to 2016 (Table 3).
By type of social benefits, in different function of social protection in Montenegro, the largest share allocated to cash benefits in both years, 72.4% was in 2016, while in 2017 this percentage was 70.5% (Table 4).

The share of expenditures for social protection benefits by function non means-tested, in total expenditures for social protection benefits, in 2016 and 2017, amounted 97.3%.The largest share of social protection benefits by function non-means tested in 2016 and 2017 refer to function Sickness/Health care, function Disability and function Unemployment (Table 5). 

