Customs Tariff - CN

General Description

Full title:

Customs Tariff, 2018


CT 2018

Originating authority:

Government of Montenegro

Legal basis:

Based on Article 8. of the Law on Customs Tariffs ("Official journal of RCG" No. 28/12), the Government of Montenegro, at its meeting of 28 December 2017., passed the Regulation on Harmonization of Customs Tariff for 2018. This Regulation harmonizes the nomenclature of the Customs Tariff with the Combined Nomenclature of the European Union in 2018,  which will be applied to the classification of products in the Customs Tariffased. 

Implementation date:

Customs Tariff Nomenclature, which is revised annually and its implementation date is always 1 January. As a result, CT 2018 is operational from 1 January to 31 December 2018.


About 14 400 titles (of which 9 300 are CT subtitles) are organized into five hierarchical levels:
Level 1:
Sections are coded with roman numbers;

Level 2: Chapters are identified by two-digit numeric code;

Level 3: Headings are identified with four-digit numeric code;

Level 4: HS subheadings have been identified with six-digit numeric code;

Level 5: CT subheadings are identified with eight-digit numeric code.

Detailed description:

The customs tariff represents harmonized European customs nomenclature for the exchange of goods adopted by the European Union in 1989. The Customs Tariff of Montenegro or the Combined Nomenclature is fully compliant with EU CN.


CT tariff classification to six levels are based on the Harmonized System description and encryption products 2017 (HS), while the seventh and eighth place indicate subheadings of CT. CT is updated each year to meet the needs of technological developments and changes in trade flows.


The nomenclature is based on the Harmonized System of the description and encryption of products 2017 (HS) that represents the nomenclature used for purposes that are in the area of foreign trade in order to create a single, harmonized nomenclature, classification which will be used by all participants in the foreign trade. Harmonized System contains 21 sections, 97 chapters, 1221 headings and 5052 tariff rates. It is updated every 5-year.


A very large number of sub-divisions within the CN were introduced bearing in mind the specific recommendations related to the EU customs and foreign trade statistics.

Linked classification(s):

EU Combined Nomenclature CN;

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Main statistical applications:

Media through which available:




 External Trade Statistics



The Customs Tariff of 2018


Law on Customs Tariffs 2018




