Standard International Trade Classification, Rev.4

General Description

Full title:

Standard International Trade Classification, Rev.4



Originating authority:

The United Nations, Statistical Division

Legal basis:

Commission statistics on its thirty-fifth session, held on 2-5 March 2004, agreed with the conclusion of an interagency working group for international merchandise trade statistics that the fourth revision of SITC is needed in terms of accumulated changes in HS. Accordingly, in mid-2004, statistical Division began preparations for the SITC, Rev. 4.


Official records of Economic and Social Council, 2004, supplement No. 4 (E/2004/24), chapter V, paragraph 4

Implementation date:



SMTK-SITC rev.4 contains:


10 sectors,


262 groups,

1023 subgroups and

2970 positions.

Detailed description:

Basic classification of goods for the publication of data in the foreign trade statistics is the Standard International Trade Classification - SITC (Standard International Trade Classification - SITC) of the United Nations. This classification is used for various analytical purposes since its last audit 22 years ago. From    1-st January 1988, synchronized with the start of application of the harmonized system descriptions and coding’s of goods, the implementation of SMTK rev.3 started, and from January 1-st of 2010 a new SMTC Rev.4 is in use.

Linked classification(s):

SITC rev.4


Main statistical applications:

External Trade Statistics


SMTK rev.4

Link to webpage:



SMTK level 2

SITC rev.4 level5

SITC rev.4


