Construction works and consumption materials - business companies

Legal basis

The legal basis for the implementation of the survey on construction works is the Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System of Montenegro ("Official Gazette of Montenegro“, No. 18/12 and 47/19) and Annual plan of statistical surveys.

The aim of statistical survey

The aim of survey on construction works and consumption materials by business companies is to collect the data necessary for the calculation of the value index of finalised construction works, number and floor area of finished and unfinished dwellings, as well as the consumption and value of construction materials.


Coverage of survey

The survey on construction works included reporting units with 5 and more employees who are involved in construction, regardles of ownership, association form and of the origin of capital as well as reporting units (KAU) whose business units engaged in construction works.

Research method

Sample-based surveys

Level of publishing data



Data obtained from reporting units represent an official secret and used only for statistical purposes and cannot be published or made available to any user. The results of the survey are published at the aggregated level and the privacy of the individual data is completely ensured.

Data Methodology Releases Quality reports

