Quality reports for 2023
National accounts
- Gross domestic product and main aggregates
- Gross national income
Labour market
- Labour force survey
- Employment from administrative sources
- Wages
- Consumer prices index (CPI)
- Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP)
- Producer price index of industrial products
- Price index of industrial products from import
- Producer price index of industrial products for export
Foreign trade
- Prices of dwellings in new residential buildings
- Building permits
- Construction activity
- Construction works and consumption materials - business companies
Retail trade
Other services
- Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in collective accommodation
- Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in individual accommodation
- Foreign vessels on cruise
- Nautical tourism
- Annual survey on transport
- Quarterly survey on transport
Energy statistics
- Balance of electricity
- Balance of coal
- Balance of oil products
- Balance of fuel woods
Agriculture and fishing
- Monthly surveys on the purchase and sold of agricultural producers
- Survey on actual yield of early-season crops
- Annual survey on livestock on agricultural holdings
- Monthly report on entrance of raw milk (cow milk) and obtained milk products
- Monthly report of slaughter livestock and poultry in slaughterhouses
- Report on production of white-fleshed fish and shellfish in mariculture
- Annual survey on fishermen and fishing equipment of the marine fishing
- Annual survey on marine fish catch, done for individual (private) fishermen and enterprises
- Annual survey on fish farming in fishponds
- Annual survey on river and lake fishing organized by legal entities and sports fishing associations
- Annual survey on veterinary services
Forestry and environment
- Monthly survey on production of forests products
- Annual survey on water against pollution from industry
- Generated and treated waste
Structural business statistics and foreign affiliate’s statistics
- Structural business statistics
- Foreign affiliates statistics
Household consumption
Survey on Income and Living Conditions
- Pre- primary education
- Primary education
- Secondary education
- Higher Education
Innovation activities of enterprises
Administration of justice
- Judiciary
- Perpetrators of crime
- Crime Indicators
Social protection
- Social protection - ESSPROS
Purchasing power parity
Information Society
- ICT usage in households
- ICT usage in enterprises
ONA - s
- Ministry of Finance
- The report on General Government Debt
- The report on Central Government Debt
- Analysis of Consolidated Public Spending
- Data on receipts and expenditures of the state and local self-government
- Data on receipts and expenditures of the state
- Central bank
- International investment position (IIP)
- Balance of paymentss of Montenegro
- Survey on credit transactions with foreign residents
- Survey on Matters of Direct Foreign Investment
- Balance of payments
- Survey on credit transactions with non-residents
- Survey on Matters of Direct Foreign Investment
- Pension and Disability Insurance Fund
- Report on pension and disability insurance beneficiaries
- Annual report on pension and disability insurance beneficiaries