
Transport goods by road The second quarter 2014

In the second quarter of 2014. road goods motor vehicles registered in Montenegro carried 172 thousands tons of goods and performed 34 304 thousand tonne-kilometers.
Kilometres travelled by loaded vehicles was 1 720 thousands kilometres.
In the structure of transported goods, national transport participates with 94,8% or 163 thousands tons of goods, while international transport participates with 5.2%, or 9 thousands tons of goods.Of the total transported 172 thousands tons of goods transport of hire or reward transported were 61 thousands tons of goods, or 35.5%, while in transporton own account realized 111 thousands tons of goods, or 64.5%.
In the structure ofperformed tonne-kilometers internal transport participates with 30.7% or 10 535 thousands tonne-kilometers and international transport with 69.3% or 23 769 thousands tonne-kilometers. In transport forhire or reward is realized 29 035 thousands tonne-kilometers or 84.6%, while in transport on own account realized 5 269 thousands tonne-kilometers or 15.4%.
